All basic information for the Sunrise Bicycle & Pedestrian Greenways & Trails Master Plan Update can be found here.
What was the project scope?
The Sunrise Bicycle & Pedestrian Greenways & Trails Master Plan is a system-level plan, which means we looked at biking and walking across all of Sunrise, not just on a particular road, street, or trail.
What will we do with this Plan?
A Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan is the first step in a process that includes planning, design, and construction. This
update identified a comprehensive vision for a safe, direct, and convenient network of biking and walking facilities, and created priorities among potential projects, programs, and policies.
This Plan built upon our original Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, completed in 2016. During this process, we looked at what we have achieved as a result of the 2016 Plan, as well as what has not yet been achieved, and what changes are needed.
Updating this Plan and having a comprehensive vision helps everyone: we can prepare for unexpected challenges and work with the community and our team members to provide thoughtful solutions for implementation. This will save Sunrise time and money in the future, because we will have the resources to adapt to needs as they arise.